Saturday 14 September 2013

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Key Word Coach

[Image: keywordheader5hu.gif]
[Image: keyword8eb.gif]
Is Your Website Keyword Rich Or Keyword Spamming?
Evaluate the keywords used in your website and instantly compare them to keywords in websites that have GREAT search engine rankings!
This software allows you to take any website and pull a report of every word used on that site. It will list the word, as well as how many times that particular word is used. You can monitor sites with great search engine rankings and REALLY analyze their content. You'll then know what is overkill and what isn't enough. To the search engines, there is a fine line between keyword rich content and keyword spamming. Look at the successful sites and find out where you need to be!
[Image: keywordscreenshot5ec.jpg]

Read more @ : [RIPP'D]Key Word Coach